This is going to be a fairly short post as it is past midnight and I still have case notes to copy out neatly for tomorrow - it's nice to have these things done in plenty of time!
Today was our first full day in Dundee - we took advantage of the tours of the city arranged by the Organising Committee, and went on a bus tour with teams from Mexico, Australia, Peru and Barbados. The castle at Broughty Ferry, on the edge of Dundee, was our first stop, followed by a stop at the Botanic Gardens of Dundee. We then went to Dundee Law, a now-extinct volcano, and took a lot of photos of the panoramic view from the top, and finally finished at a wildlife park. At the park, we had lunch and were then presented with some information on the park and an activity booklet, which brought out the inner children in us as we figured our exactly how to get the tortoise through the maze and got rather excited over the cut-out monkey mask in the middle.
In the afternoon, we headed back to base and did a friendly impromptu debate against Team Singapore, the motion being TH supports the granting of enhanced powers to the police in the fight against crime. After feedback, we had just enough time to pull on a dress and some heels before making our way to the opening ceremony. Both Sarah and I had underestimated how much further the distance between our accommodation and the location of the opening ceremony would seem in heels, and after a few metres decided to walk the rest of the way barefoot...
The opening ceremony was exceptional as is always the case at WSDC, with several speakers, musical items and a display of highland dance. Unfortunately, at this point my camera battery, exhausted from its hard work in the morning, decided to go on strike, so I have no photos from the ceremony.
So now the tournament has officially begun! The nerves are kicking in for tomorrow, but I'm confident that whatever the results we'll have another amazing day! As long as we can find a shop that sells energy drinks and/or coffee to deal with the lack of sleep... on that note, goodnight!
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